Röstning nr 1 av 2 på Årets Förvillare 2012

Röstningen stängdes kl 12:00 den 30 september 2012.

Årets förvillare 2012 blev Martin Ingvar, KI, Osher Centrum

10 kommentarer

  1. I object to the way Olle Johansson was treated . A great man troubled by an inferior human being. Catherine

  2. Olle Johansson, is a fine man and scholar. It is unfair thet his laboratorys was taken aways from him. I am voting for professor Martin Ingvar as the ”misleader of the year”, because that fine Olle Johansson told me to. We EHS are so naive and mislead by Olle Johansson because he is our salvation and we love him so much because he is represents truth.

  3. När blir det dags att utnämna Lars Wilderäng till förvillare. Han kallar oss som kräver penningreformer för penninghaverister och hävdar att det är kunderna…tillsammans med bankerna som skapar pengar/krediter

  4. The actions of Prof. Martin Ingvar against Prof Johansson reflect poorly on Prof Ingvar rather than on Prof. Johansson. Whatever findings Prof. Johansson’s research reveals we must evaluate it on its merits or failings with the ultamate examiner being time under the watchful eye of mother nature.

  5. I am sure, as many admirers of Prof.Johansson’s wonderful work,all we can say over here in N.Z. is that words cannot do the situation justice.

    In this country, the scandal that permits the so called ”Safety Standards Committee” ,NRL, who admit being paid by industry, expose the public to radiation levels at thousands of times higher than has been proved to be a health hazard, they are driven on by the likes of Ingevar –and please do not forget the cash??.

    We must make sure that Olle’s good work keeps us driven on over here, and not have our children’s health, and grandchildren’s health, be depleted by the money driven technology, classified by so many as a bigger threat than smoking and asbestos combined.
    There is good news.The inspiration that we have had from Olle will not be permitted to disappear, it will drive us on to eliminate the biggest experiment of all time.
    In N.Z We had a TV program recently . On the one hand we had the SAFETY STANDARDS COMMITTEE state ”Industry pay me , they pay me because they know that they will like what they Hear!!!”
    On the other hand a genuine Scientist stated ”This is not about science , this is about cash!”
    Thank you Olle , never can we repay you. In N.Z. There is a new song on the go >

  6. I am voting against Dr Martin Ingvar who is behind the prosecution of Professor Olle Johansson. Dr. Johansson is a saint. Bless you Dr. Johansson.

  7. I object to how Olle Johansson was treated. This suppression and lies about the effects of emf, etc on human beings is IMHO criminal.

  8. Martin ingvar, i am mis-voting you, why are you so afraid of Olle Johansson? Are you afraid of the truth?

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